brand identity
Our intent was to preserve Marathon's long and well—respected legacy while positioning it for the future as a technology leader. We began with the updated circular icon, its eccentric lines suggesting progressive, unconventional thinking; its asymmetrical laser line conveys the movement of energy as well as movement of the company forward; and its vibrant orange center represents the power and energy of their products.
consumer brand
MyZone is a consumer component brand we developed to help this client's customers market the special features enabled by its imPulse technology. The design is meant to convey that MyZone affords a wide variety of possibilities so a consumer can truly experience custom comfort.
consumer brochure
MyZone is a consumer component brand we developed to help this client's customers market the special features enabled by its imPulse technology. The design is meant to convey that MyZone affords a wide variety of possibilities so a consumer can truly experience custom comfort.
imPulse motor illustration
The imPulse is the brains and brawn behind MyZone. And given that this is no ordinary motor, we used a phantom illustrations to reveal the components that make the magic happen for these products.