brand identity
The goal of this campaign is to get our audience to the website where they can explore adoption. Given that, the name Adoption in Canada was chosen because it is the most common search term. Our logo gives the practicality of the name a common Canadian identity—the mapleleaf.

magazine ad
Our research among birth mothers revealed that all chose adoption because they wanted to give their baby what they couldn't—a mom and a dad. So our ad speaks directly to this desire with a scene set some time in the future when her wish has come to fruition.

Our research among birth mothers revealed that all chose adoption because they wanted to give their baby what they couldn't—a mom and a dad. So our ad speaks directly to this desire with a scene set some time in the future when her wish has come to fruition.

The goal of this campaign is to get our audience to the website where they can explore infant adoption. Once there she can learn about the experiences of women who have placed their children for adoption. The site also invites participation from visitors, asking for their adoption stories. Soon a Facebook page will be launched to begin building an online community.