brand identity
The client came to us with a new concept in custom skincare. It would revolutionize the industry because each client's system is custom-formulated on site for his/her needs. There would be no more of the trial and error associated with over-the-counter products. But first they needed a name and identity. So after extensive testing, we arrived at this French phrase: Bonne Chimie™ (pronounced: bon she-me), which means "good chemistry."
alternate logo
The client came to us with a new concept in custom skincare. It would revolutionize the industry because each client's system is custom-formulated on site for his/her needs. There would be no more of the trial and error associated with over-the-counter products. But first they needed a name and identity. So after extensive testing, we arrived at this French phrase: Bonne Chimie™ (pronounced: bon she-me), which means "good chemistry."
print ad
With this product category we followed Ogilvy's maxim: the bigger the claim, the more simple and understated the ad ought to be. Besides, what other information does a woman need?
Christmas ad
We wanted to introduce custom skincare to men for Christmas, and who better than the über poster boy of ruddy complexions. And in case you're wondering, anonymous sources at the North Pole report that Santa is very pleased with his new regimen. He is, however, reluctant to endorse the product for fear of being branded a metrosexual.
The client came to us with a new concept in custom skincare. It would revolutionize the industry because each client's system is custom-formulated on site for his/her needs. There would be no more of the trial and error associated with over-the-counter products. But first they needed a name and identity. So after extensive testing, we arrived at this French phrase: Bonne Chimie™ (pronounced: bon she-me), which means "good chemistry."